Cozy Classics

21 Oct

enhanced-buzz-16155-1382106287-6enhanced-buzz-16161-1382106356-4enhanced-buzz-16162-1382111107-37Have you heard of Cozy Classics? It’s a series of  books for children which condenses classics like Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, War and Peace and others, to 12 child-friendly words with needle-felted illustrations. I had not heard of these books until a few days ago when my sister-in-law shared these images of Pride and Prejudice with me. You can see the entire story illustrated here and you can also buy prints of the artwork. The books may be for children but I want them all!

(Source of images Buzzfeed via

One Response to “Cozy Classics”

  1. trinitygrau October 22, 2013 at 2:46 pm #

    Very interesting! They look cute too. My mom is a big fan of classics like Pride and Prejudice. She has many copies of the movie, the same for Jane Eyre. Thanks for sharing!

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