Tag Archives: advice

Hello Monday!

28 Apr


Every Friday before I leave work for the weekend,  I write down all the projects and meetings I have scheduled for the following week. Depending on the scope of the project or the level of preparation necessary for a meeting, I place what will require a lot of my attention at the top of the list.  Writing down what the priorities are and seeing them first thing Monday morning, helps me get straight to work and to begin checking things off my to-do list! If you don’t already do that, try it! It allows you to get straight to work and helps get your mind off of the weekend. Maybe even getting this pretty and cheeky to-do notepad might help! You can buy it here.

Hello Monday!

21 Apr


I exercise regularly and I try to  eat as healthy as possible, and while I follow this regimen Monday-Saturday, I give myself  a “cheat day” on Sunday.On Mondays, everything starts up again. However, it seems that I am not alone in doing that because a new report says that most of us start thinking about being healthy on Monday! If the truth be known, I am not a fan of exercise at all but I do it because  it gives me extra energy. So, I encourage you to kick-start your week with an extra dose of healthy and see if it makes a difference for you. For me, any amount of exercise combined with  healthy eating, gives me the energy to make it through the week! What are some healthy habits that you practice?

(Image via They All Hate Us)

Hello Monday!

14 Apr


Let’s face it, Mondays are a bit of a drag. While I am sure some people look forward to Mondays, I would dare to say that most don’t! I fall into that category. So, as a way to make Mondays a little more pleasant for us, I’ve decided to begin a feature  titled Hello Monday! I will give a tip or offer advice on ways to try and make our lives somewhat easier and productive. I hope this will give you a little something to look forward to every Monday morning!

This week, I’d like to suggest that you write down  the thing or things that you are looking forward to doing in the next couple of days. I find that if I write things down that I am excited about doing for the upcoming week, I actually look forward to the work week. This doesn’t mean that there may not be things I am not looking forward to as well, but the good things fuel and give me the energy to get through the weekdays!

So what are you looking forward to? I am looking forward to completing a work project, having Friday off and making it a “me” day and spending time with my  nephews this coming weekend. Try it and have a great week!

(Photo by me)